Happy Birthday Suzannejuug on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juug/art/Happy-Birthday-Suzanne-344064472juug

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Happy Birthday Suzanne



It's been a while hasn't it? I've been working on my thesis so personal stuff took a backseat.

A belated Birthday gift to :iconumbrella-girl1995: . This right here is a picture of a fully grown DD (on the left) at the age of 30 (or at least how I envisioned her at the age of 30) and her sister Mei (on the right) at the age of 20.

By the time they reach these ages these two Delibirds are badass and feared by Sum’s Sumire Clan, and for good reason. Mei is known as the Witch of Meijin due to her eerie ability to know a situation and always be prepared for it plus she knows how to take down anyone she knows, even her siblings. DD would be known as the Demon of the Meijin for her abilities and knowledge being a Vessel not to mention her fighting abilities. Mei considers DD annoying for always attempting to make her smile and loosen up when she is working. However, regardless of that she loves DD dearly and will not tolerate anyone harming her sister. Bad things are in store for anyone who harms DD. As far as DD goes I’m pretty sure by this time they would’ve found a way for her body and spirit to age as one by freezing her body’s aging until her actual age catches up (it’d only be for six years so I can see it).

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