Tropical MoonJustV23 on DeviantArt

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JustV23's avatar

Tropical Moon


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Early evening at beachside of Earth-like moon. A thin crescent of a gas giant planet and two of it's moons can be seen in the sky.
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1400x933px 658.23 KB
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VoteForPedro93's avatar

Plot Twist: This is actually a terra-formed Ganymede in the far future, where the Sun has expanded enough to move the habitable zone to Jupiter's orbit - temporarily. Nah, just kidding!

But seriously, this is such a beautiful artwork. Knowing that it's a tropical world makes me wonder like a child again on what sort of plants & animals this moon has. Earth's jungles are biodiversity treasure troves enough, but imagine an extraterrestrial one. Would it be like the jungles of Yavin 4 or Pandora...?