Transmutation Tier 2 ~ Seelie GG Magicjustspillingcoldtea on DeviantArt

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Transmutation Tier 2 ~ Seelie GG Magic



Acorn Count: 22/800

Characters Depicted:

- Church Grim Kibbee (Mine) 

- Daviana La Muerte (Grimsby Grove NPC)

- Icelos “Icy” Sombers (MinTea-Leaves)

- Seelie Hollow (Mine)

- Síofra (twooost)

Magic Learned: 

Transmutation (Tier 2): Word of Dryads, Purify

Progress to next Magic Level: 4/4

Seelie is now Magic Level 2!


Following Pipsqueak’s offer, Seelie’s doing their best to learn the Transmutation spell family. The druids of Deadman’s Cove are more than happy to help!

Word of Dryads comes as almost second nature to Seelie, and with only a bit of guidance, they’re speaking with the rivers, the sand, and the seas with ease. Sí stops by to ask Seelie what the river’s saying. Seelie relays its message.

“Hmmm, it’s calling you an ‘L bozo, no gill haver.’”


“My apologies, I only speak for the seas.”

Learning Purify takes a bit more effort, but it certainly comes in handy! Though the cull last month has mostly contained the blight infections, Seelie’s taking no chances– not even with the kibbee honey jelly. Most of the local pets are on a honey-supplemented diet, along with the kibbee that likes to hang around Seelie. Daviana & Icy helps to get its daily dose of honey into its screaming maw.


Tier 2 down! Though they had somewhat of a rough start, Transmutation seems to be second nature to Seelie– especially the spells that let them connect with nature.

Hopefully, Tier 3 will go as well as this one! I’ll see you with that one hopefully soon.

(random aside-- oh my god did DA hate formatting this one, for the love of god. DA be a functional website challenge, I'm begging you-- you can't make me go back to posting art on Tumblr I'd die)

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