Vista Reflections 3 + PSDJustMarDesign on DeviantArt

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Vista Reflections 3 + PSD



Ahhhh, about time, right? Vista Reflections 2 has been my most popular web posting of anything, ever (that is not saying that much, but meh). I do keep up on all of its comments and such, and someone asked: "Why don't you make one for Vista?" To that, I said, "Why the fuck don't I make one for Vista?" Fun stuff, right? I set about taking the now seemingly crappy design of VR2 and making it actually look good and decided to style it like Vista. I kept the same look and idea to the entire thing, but this time around used an actual custom-made Windows Vista window; fit with the glass and all, it looks pretty sexy and pretty authentic.

Anyhow, I've included three resolutions:

I figured those were used most. Most other resolutions should look just fine using one of the same aspect ratios. Contact me if you need help or REALLY need me to custom make your resolution.

This is NOT made for any specific program. I know there are a few out there. I included directions on how to use it with LogonStudio Vista, but it should work with anything you've got. Let me know if you need help with that.

Bonus time! I was thinking of you guys, I've included the super amazing Photoshop PSDs used to make this mofo. Directions are included in the readme, but you are gonna be able to make this to use ANY background and have it look just as good as the original. If you don't have Photoshop, hit me with a message and I'll do my best to accommodate; I aim to please.

***IT IS TO YOUR BENEFIT TO RTFM, I'VE ALREADY HAD MANY INQUIRES THAT ARE CLEARLY COVERED. Saves everyone time, hehe. (use the readme.txt)***

Enjoy Vista Reflections 3, and let's get it to be more popular than its second counterpart!

Note: You are encouraged to make your own versions of it and share them with others. I thought about a watermark on this thing, but that is not my style. Please link back to my deviantArt account, please? :(
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khadaver's avatar
Gracias muy buenos!