Skijoring and CurlingJustinandDennis on DeviantArt

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Skijoring and Curling



There were two more winter sports that I wanted to draw ToonWorld equivalents of; skijoring and curling.

In skijoring, a skiier is pulled by a dog, horse, or a vehicle. The indigenous Sámi people of Scandinavia first invented the original version of this (before it was a sport, it was a method of traveling), and they used reindeer. In the real world, skijoring was one of the sports featured in the Nordic Games during the first decade of the 20th century. It is not currently part of the Winter Olympics, although equine skijoring was an exhibition sport in 1928.

In ToonWorld, Polar Valley holds annual skijoring races every January. Here, on the top panel, we see Clerk Penny participating in a dog skijoring race. Luna Morikowa offered to help out Penny by pulling her while the duck was skiing. Penny accepted the shapeshifter's offer, and so Luna turned herself into a feral wolfdog and was allowed to participate. Penny was grateful for Luna's help.

Curling (for those who haven't heard of it) is a sport that's quite similar to shuffleboard, where two teams guide stones across an icy path towards a target ("house"). They may curl or sweep the rock, determining whether the stone rotates or not. It is said that curling originated in Scotland as far back as 1511. Curling is part of the real-life Winter Olympics (it was added in 1998, although the first actual Olympic curling event dates back to 1924, though it was considered a demonstration event back then).

The bottom image shows what may be "archival" footage of Ernest Otter and Bear (of the Big Blue House) participating in a curling event, circa 1998. They were both on the same team.

Clerk Penny(C) Disney Interactive

Luna Morikowa belongs to me.

Ernest Otter(C) Jim Jinkins

Bear(C) Mitchell Kriegman and the Muppets Studio

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2000x1930px 1.68 MB
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