JusticeStock's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Photography
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (16)
My Bio

Current Residence: Pennsylvania
Favourite genre of music: Indie
Wallpaper of choice: Questionable Content
Favourite cartoon character: Misty

Favourite Visual Artist
Kyle Mann
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kyle Mann Combo
Favourite Games
Pokemon Pearl
Favourite Gaming Platform
DS Lite
Tools of the Trade
Canon 10D, Canon A2, and every yashica ever made.
Other Interests
Photography Stock Violins and TLRs


0 min read
It's been months since I logged in here. I have graduated from high school and am preparing for college. I'm doing photography full time(danielledeleonphotography.com), but hopefully I can pick up stock photography again this summer.I logged on and have over one thousand(!!!) messages and fifty notes.My apologies. I WILL get through each and every note and comment and favorite all who used my stock. :]Thanks guys!-Danielle
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
Oh boy, so I just started a Stock account because I wanted to do something with my extra pictures and I got a DD!! :DMany many many thanks to :iconmiss-angelicfairy: for suggesting and the fab :iconLawrenceDeDark: for featuring it!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:Thank youuuu.My Photography: :iconthejusticeleague:  
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
RULES RULES RULES RULES 1. Please give credit in description with my avatar. 2. If you use this note me or comment this with the link. I'd like to see it. 3. If you're going to use it outside of DA, please note me first. 4. If you use it in a print, you don't have to, but I'd like a tiny print.
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 462

anonymous's avatar
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It seems like it's been ages since you've logged in. I'm trying to find a way to contact you regarding use of one of your stock photos. 
PhamousPhotography's avatar
Thanks for your stock, here is the link: phamousphotography.deviantart.…

I would also like to use this for my portfolio work on my homepage in the future www.phamousphotography.de
count-her-culture's avatar
Hi Danielle,

Thank you again for the wonderful stock! I sent you a message about a drawing I based on some of your stock (link); when you have a chance would you get in touch?

Thanks so much!
Abasyyx's avatar
Hello.  I used one of your stock images here.   Thank you very much for providing. :D
greeniepi's avatar
Hey I used your stock here: [link] thanks!
Jess1fer's avatar
I used two of your AMAZING jumping photos here: [link]

Thank you!!!
photoshopart-cwsurf's avatar
THX for the Picture

my work: