IGC: Johnny and Viola. CyberpunkJusace on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jusace/art/IGC-Johnny-and-Viola-Cyberpunk-961437791Jusace

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IGC: Johnny and Viola. Cyberpunk



I know I am not very active but finally I finished my classes. So I'll have a bit more time and I'l like to submit some finished pieces I have.
Here is one of the commissions I worked on and finished (I am working in all my late things TWT sorry, but job + classes + shitty year left me destroyed) 
Here is a commission asked on Instagram, the person asked her Cyberpunk pairing Johhny Silverhand and Viola Crossfire. Honestly I am happy how it turned and even if I am not used to metalic protesics I think aren't that bad -cries a bit in pain- also It was fun pick a backgroud fiiting them and the thematic!! 

If you want a commission I reember you I have them open always by popular petition, you can find them here:
For ask for one only leave a comment or send a note! 

You can follow me also in Instagram
My shared account of events and merch process:
And our Etsy store! 

Johnny and Cyberpunk: CD Projeckt
Viola: Silver from IG
Art: me, Jusace.
Image size
3977x5108px 14.34 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Jusace
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