Naruto and Three Daimyos: Lucky Golden One (FV)JuPMod on DeviantArt

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Naruto and Three Daimyos: Lucky Golden One (FV)



When it comes to gambling, Naruto is the polar opposite of Tsunade, for he mostly wins. Canonwise, he was shown to only won a lottery once (during the "Search for Tsunade" arc), yet fanfiction writers love to paint Naruto as the guy who always wins. I love the idea as well, for after all, Naruto grew-up badly mistreated by most in Konoha, that it would be karma for him to so lucky in gambling. I thought of many nicknames Naruto might have earned - Lucky One. The Lucky Blond, The Golden Boy, The Lucky Golden One, etc. Yet I'm sure every man would call him "The Lucky Sob" if they see him with *three* gorgeous women hanging over him, especially if those women happen to be Daimyos he had saved - 
- Koyuki ( Koyuki's Wiki page ) (center girl), Haruna ( Haruna's Wiki page ) (left girl), and Toki ( Toki's Wiki page (right girl). The ladies certainly don't mind showing their affections for Naruto, as well as taking a chip off him so they can play Roulette themselves. :D 

This scene, of Naruto and his three lovely Daimyos, is a commission done for me by :iconsimple-illust:! :)

For anyone's information,this scene is based off a photo I found online. When I saw the photo, I knew I just have to replace the guy with Naruto and the three girls with Koyuki, Haruna, and Toki. Given she did a great job with past commissions for me, I gave the idea to Simple-illust to do, and she pulled it off with this great art of Naruto surrounded by Koyuki, Haruna, and Toki at a casino's roulette table. :)

Before anyone asks, the dresses the ladies are wearing are not new. They're the same dresses as a commission done for me back in 2016 by Amenoosa. I thought that this casino scene would be a good sequel to the 2016 commision, not to mention, the girls look graet in those evening dresses anyway, so why bother to find new dresses for them? If anyone is curious to see the 2016 commission, check it out by clicking on the thumbnails below. ;)

Naruto and his Three Gorgeous Daimyos (Close-up) by JuPMod  Commission: Naruto - everything is just beginning by Amenoosa

Last, I want to point out that this is the full art, not cropped. I just can't corp this art, for cropping it will not tell the story of the scene. Yet if anyone wants to favor this at the Simple-illust's gallery and leave her a comment on the art, you can do so by clicking on the thumbnail below. :) 

Naruto and Three Daimyos by Simple-illust

So there you have it! Naruto, aka The Lucky Golden One, winning at Roulette as he is surrounded by three gorgeous Daimyo - Koyuki, Haruna, and Toki! With three beautiful women with him, I don't blame any guy for calling him "The Lucky Sob". :D 

Naruto Uzumaki, Koyuki, Haruna, and Toki (c) Kishimoto
Art done by Simple-illust
Commissioned art own by JuPMod


WARNING! - This art is a commission done for me. Since I paid for this art, NO ONE is allowed to copy, edit, and/or repost/redistribute this art in any way, anywhere. This includes the art on Simple-illust's page. Only I and Simple-illust have authority to do anything we want with this art. Please respect our wishes.
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Trickwalls's avatar

that's almost 100,000 right there