Welcome to my DeviantArt. I am a professional artist living in Toronto. I do both traditional and digital art, comic book pages, pinups, and knitting commissions. Here is a list of some of my hobbyist pages and official websites.
I go to many conventions over the span of a year and am very approachable and friendly. If you are ever at a convention in Toronto, you will likely find me there. Please drop by and say hi!
www.jupejuperocket.com - Commissions website
jupejuperocket.tumblr.com - Showcase of pieces I've drawn
www.jupe.ca - blog
www.upknitcreek.com - Knitting website
www.ravelry.com/jupe/ - More knitting
jupecooks.blogspot.com - Food Porn
If you'd like to commission me, please send me a note! And if you give me a llama, I'll give one back to you.
Hope you enjoy the gallery!