JungleHunks's avatar


Jungle and tribal studs
Years Ago
617 Members964 Watchers

Comments 155

anonymous's avatar
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TribblePom55's avatar
Submissions are timing out....dead group....
GreysonFurrington's avatar
If you haven't done so already start saving all of your custom postings, your rules, your various commentary to outside sources like word or whatever because once the mandatory switch to the new group format you will lose all of it. Trust me, I know, I have 3 groups so I found out the hard way with the first group.

Holding out and not migrating will accomplish nothing. DA will force you to change and you will lose all your custom items.
julius742's avatar
Thank you for the request :)
ares12's avatar
Has anyone approved my image yet?
wolflarsonjorge's avatar

how can I share my drawings in this group?
TheRavenMichaelis's avatar
thank you for requesting my latest picture for your gallery!  It is very appreciated!!