Door 3Jumperlady on DeviantArt

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Door 3



Door 3: So Abazi and Furball both had no real answers for Anabelle. She would probably have to continue searching alone. After she had been traveling for a while, Realta suddenly appeared. Anabelle looked up at her. “Are the others sending you?” she asked calmly. Realta shook her head. The Easter Bunny told me everything, you have strange ideas. Did you really want to question him about Santa Claus?" asked the Tokota lady.

"Yeah. Kind of," Anabelle admitted. Realta laughed. "Let's catch a rabbit, then the Easter Bunny won't laugh at you anymore," she stated. "And then we'll look for your faith at Christmas," she added. Anabelle looked surprised. She hadn't expected that.

This Door is for @AmiraColorBee Looks like your Toko can help....

Import: Annabelle 44679


Prey: Rabbit

Activity Journal: Annabelle Activity Tracker

Relevant Bonuses:

Tribe Benefits:

- Hunting Specialist I

- Good Fortune

Faction: Knowledge Seeker


Item Application:

Tribemates: Realta 73474

Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Jumperlady's Bonuses & Monthly Limits

Activity Code:


Import: Realta 73474


Prey: Rabbit

Activity Journal: Realta Activity Tracker

Relevant Bonuses:

- Sturdy Bow

- Popular

Tribe Benefits:

- Hunting Specialist I

- Good Fortune

Faction: Knowledge Seeker


Item Application:

Tribemates: Annabelle 44679

Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: AmiraColorBee's Bonuses & Monthly Limits

Activity Code:


Image size
889x1507px 633.99 KB
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