World of Spirits: Marth Belmontjules1998 on DeviantArt

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World of Spirits: Marth Belmont



Back at it again with the Artists of Askr for their World of Spirits zine! The concept this time is based on Smash Bros Ultimate's story mode where we have the scattered souls of characters, both heroic and villainous, inhabiting the bodies of other characters to fight. In this case, we are free to see who goes to whose body, as long as the characters have appeared in a Nintendo platform at some point, it's all free game, very versatile!

For me, I went for a Belmont-inhabited Marth in his classic FE1 garb. Was thinking of going with the classic barbarian-like Simon hence the choice for that attire. I love the Castlevania series for some time, so this was a good opportunity for me. It was especially fun coming up with the dark and gothic environment that the series was known for.

Please take a look at the others' works too! They're really cool and interesting, who knows, you may get a combination that you'll really like! And shoutouts to everyone involved, especially the mods for giving this opportunity! Y'all are amazing! XD

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Image size
2350x3200px 2.15 MB
© 2019 - 2025 jules1998
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