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For Popo



Dedicated to my grandfather who passed away this last January. Aloha Nui Loa, Popo <3

From my book available from either Lulu (softcover)
Or Blurb (hardcover and softcover.)

My poem that goes with this:

Your remembrance abounds in my mind,
Your love flourishes in my heart
And despite this temporary distance,
We will never be apart

My winters will be cold,
My summers hot
But I will never have to remind myself,
To forget you not

I merely continue on this road,
A picture of you in my every thought
The warmth of you in my heart,
Until I arrive at my final stop

Where ever life takes me,
This will always be an arrival I await
The greatest trip I’ll ever make,
My arrival at those pearly gates

I say my goodbyes with love,
My, “until we meet agains”
Because we will once more,
And I’ll live the best life I’ve yet to live
To my role model, my friend, my grandfather,
Aloha Nui Loa, Popo
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1875x2775px 2.31 MB
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