Suppressing opinions.

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Jucchan's avatar
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Well.. The title and the line "Hey, I'm back" is the topic of the journal 'xD

So let's get started ( just a small entry )

Look, I'd like to think that I am a kind person, someone who offers help to the ones confused - which then often leads to some sort of a friendship on a page such as dA - which is a good thing :) I like chatting with people - even if it's about the least interesting stuff on the planet. And when people are confused about stuff, whether it's how to change your icon on dA or love-trouble in real life, I'd like to think that I can help - and if not, that it's at least a relief for those who confide me that someone will listen. BUT. Sometimes you can just run into the most annoying of all idiots. And in these cases it's mostly some kids around the age of 12-14, complaining about how unfair their parents are. And in these cases I get seriously pissed off ( please note that it's generally after 10 messages complaining about something like; "my mom won't let me stay up as long as I want, so f*ck her!!" ) and I really want to tell people off. But I never do. I keep just suppressing whatever I want to yell at them and try to stay kind - even if I had no real reason for wanting them to think I am an okay person.
I was kind of wondering, does this happen to you guys too?

Oh, and Hey! I'm back :)
Will you guys please press the picture below? It gets me in-game money and helps me a lot! It is just one click, nothing else. Thanks :)

© 2012 - 2025 Jucchan
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Fikse's avatar
*wonder if she is one of these people... Shrugs*

I used to know a lot of these people till I cleaned up my facebook friends.
I used to be just like you, being nice to people even if they didn't deserve it and didn't have any reason why I should care what they though about me if i said what i really meant.
I just wasn't that type of person... Till I met a girl (whose name shall not be mentioned even though you know her Jucchan, I think).
She showed me that some people just don't change unless you shove it in their face and tell them that some kinds of childish behavior just isn't nice or acceptable in the real world.
The truth hurts and it just hurt even more if you don't see it. THat girl didn't change ans still is as ignorant and stupid and childish as always. But some people who hear the truth actually listen.