Sarah Jane drained by alienJTJoTo on DeviantArt

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Sarah Jane drained by alien



Qetesh is an alien race that feeds off strong emotions such as fear, excitement, love and despair, draining the life force of their victims.

One in particular was imprisoned for her insatiable hunger, having travelled to many planets and draining them dry. She eventually escapes captivity, making her way to Earth and discovering the human with the most exciting life on the planet: Sarah Jane Smith.

After gaining the trust of the heroine, "Ruby Anne White" is able to lock Sarah Jane in a cellar with her stomach and reveals that Sarah Jane's illness is a result of the alien slowing sucking her life force during each of their encounters.

Now that Ruby has been personally handed control of Sarah Jane's operation, she details her plan to allow and even encourage future alien visitors to reek havoc on Earth in order to feed on the heightened fear and emotions of its citizens.

With the heroine completely at her mercy, Ruby extends her hand towards Sarah Jane and more forcefully drains her life force. The influx of energy fills the villainess with intense pleasure which her face does not hide.

While the adventurer grows weaker, Ruby grows stronger, pointing her other hand towards her stomach and feeding it with Sarah Jane's vitality, causing it to swell in size.

Ruby continues to absorb her life essence, telling the heroine that it is only a matter of time before her stomach drains her completely, allowing the alien to begin feasting on the souls of everyone on Earth
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