Jasmine PinleyJTBPreston on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jtbpreston/art/Jasmine-Pinley-1040117498JTBPreston

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Jasmine Pinley



The daughter of a family friend of Nicole's, Jasmine Pinley was training to be a teacher at Gregorham Primary School, which is how Julie and Steve Stourbridge found out about said school. Jasmine didn't get the job, but at least there was a job for teaching assistant available, so she took that instead. And as luck would have it, she was assigned to Nicole's class. 

Jasmine is like a cool big sister, especially to Nicole, who is the only one in the class with the privilege of calling her by her first name thanks to the outside connection she has with her. Aside from their parents, Nicole and friends regard her as the most trusted adult. Fitting the bill for the qualities a teaching assistant would need, Jasmine is caring, supportive and good with kids. In class, she can be found helping Horace, who needs her support the most. But considering the fact she's young and glamorous, she's bound to get one or two underage admirers... 

When I create my characters, I usually don't have anyone in mind for their designs, but Jasmine is an exception. She is modelled after singer-songwriter Eliza (formerly known as "Eliza Doolittle", now just "Eliza"), whose music I first heard and enjoyed back when my education was almost complete. Remove the mole under Jasmine's eye and change her hair from blue to black/very dark brown and you've got my artist's interpretation of that singer. In fact, if I got Nicole's story adapted from comics to an animated series, Eliza would be my first choice as the voice of Jasmine. She could sing the theme song too! Is there anyone else I'd want in the voice cast? Not sure, but they'd have to be British. 
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