Fallout: Road to Vegas - VeronicaJSailer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jsailer/art/Fallout-Road-to-Vegas-Veronica-635675842JSailer

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Fallout: Road to Vegas - Veronica



Everybody's favorite wandering pugilist ass-kicker and all around lovely gal. With a bullet proof survival suit and some hydraulics of course!
For those confused as to why his stats are different than in game, I changed them to a.) make sense according to his character, and b.) have a better standing next to the Courier. So as such he applies by the same creation rules. 5 SPECIAL points, 2 traits and three tagged skills to choose.
For story: www.fanfiction.net/s/11280060/…@
Image size
922x1171px 570.16 KB
Date Taken
Sep 20, 2016, 9:02:38 PM
© 2016 - 2025 JSailer
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Broken Hills is a settlement which was (back in fallout 2) led by Markus who is a supermutant and because we dont have the mid-western chapter to save it here you have it wrong