Kawaiicember MakoJowyB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jowyb/art/Kawaiicember-Mako-775984493JowyB

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Kawaiicember Mako




Kawaiicember thing by Jowybean 

for the next 31 days from Christmas up to new year I will be sketching my favourite female characters from the many anime's i have watched with my friends.

this is not an official challenge however if any budding artists come across this then you are free to have a go at it yourself.

entry 1 

Kawaiicember platelet by Jowybean

Kawaiicember day 9
is mako mankanshoku  from Kill La Kill

the best way i can describe this anime without any major spoilers is that its very zany, action heavy, unique in its art style,and  can take itself too seriously sometimes. that is why I am happy that characters like Mako exist to add that extra bit of comedy or cuteness when it dose get pretty tense.overall this is probably one of the best shounen anime's I watched and can remember so much about. I even have an art book by Sushio which has an adorable section on Mako growing up before she meets Ryuko at the start of the anime. worth looking out for just for that :) 

Until next deviation which will be tomorrow LATERS Peace i

sketched in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom in 5 hours 

Is this Cute :meow: Win :winner: Fail :crying:
Image size
1811x2358px 1.8 MB
© 2018 - 2025 JowyB
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RubyW32's avatar
Favourite anime right here!