JovanArt120's avatar


Jovan Chong
11 Watchers6 Deviations339 Pageviews
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (25)
Bouncing Blob: Your 5th deviation's making it jump for joy!
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (2)
Shimmering Snowball: Joined the Great Snowball Fest
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (8)
My Bio

I use Scratch 3.0 for voice acting projects and artwork submissions

Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Flipaclip, Scratch (bitmap)

What if you are sitting down and watching something but someone plays the National Anthem what would you do?

2 votes

I would stand and respect the flag and Nation!

Keep quiet and stay seated...

I don't know

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Badge Awards

NesteeLandArts's avatar

Coming tomorrow is Game Show Haven (like Cartoon Island, Meme Island, Mobile Cyberplex and Console Madness except with game show-based monsters)

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WackyDude2003's avatar

Thanks for the snowball badge!

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ArleAmitie12's avatar

hi jovan, can you help reporting angel0815aeso8? and if this guy has account on different platforms can you report stuff with stolen ocs too?

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cakeycaketpot1234's avatar

no angel0815aeso8 did nothing no steal hi @hmg1234568

hmg1234568's avatar

angel did give credit, but it's not his either so he's not stealing nor owning

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