::Adoptables:: Blakrye - Albino Valentine [closed]Jotaku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jotaku/art/Adoptables-Blakrye-Albino-Valentine-closed-590720936Jotaku

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::Adoptables:: Blakrye - Albino Valentine [closed]



EDIT // Current in snipe guard -- auction will now end an hour after the last bid!


aHHHH SO YEAH I think this is my first time putting an albino (white hair and lightning) blakrye up for auction! Tbh I've meant to do this so much sooner but it just never happened. But I felt Valentine's Day was a great opportunity to finally do so! 8))


FA cross-post
Please make sure to cross-check bids before posting one! : )


Please make sure to read the Adoptable ToS linked above before buying!
★Auction will start now and end Tuesday o2/16 at 6pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; mind bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard
★Serious bidding only!  Any backing out will result in a suspension from my next auction.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending, but I will allow for up to a week IF I know in advance. -- EDIT// I will now allow up to two weeks with advance notice!
★Once payment is received, the buyer will get a larger, sans watermark version!

Starting bid: $30
winning bid: $1000 by TheInnerVice
Autobuy: n/a - may choose to add later

Blakryes are a closed species of mine, please do not create your own, thank you!
Image size
540x870px 276 KB
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thedualeclipse's avatar
This is InvaderKeneshia's dA, just as a heads up ;v;