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pasan miles de años y los planes de Angry Maiden son frustrado muchas veces por gente que cambia el mundo por un "mundo ideal" ya que esa gente ya sea hombre o mujer que estan cansado de gente "pecaminosa" o gente "podrida" y quieren un reinicio. Angry Maiden ,al ser mujer, no puede desobedecer a su invocador y la invocan tambien para que destruya sus propios planes. por ejemplo a ella la invocaron para destruir Pompeya a pesar que ella no queria, ya que por poco un joven la iba a liberar de su costilla. el invocador muere ya que se necesitaba un sacrificio.
a Angry Maiden se le puede invocar con otros nombres como Ishtar, Afrodita, Kali, Freya o otros nombre para el deseo lujurioso en la antigüedad ya en una era mas moderna cambiaron la lujuria por amor, guerra, sabiduria o matrimonio los cristianos, los catolicos, los judios y el islam veian la lujuria como un pecado, Angry Maiden para tratar con ellos se disfraza de la Virgen para ser adorada o como Eva. muchas mujeres creyentes se hacen llamar hijas de Eva y para las mujeres satanicas hijas de Lilith que es lo mismo.
cuando alguien ya sea hombre o mujer trata de reiniciar el mundo por un "mundo ideal" tratan de invocarla como un dios castigador. y cuando la invocan es como se la imaginen y en todo los reinicios la imaginan con aspecto de una de una santa o virgen y no en su aspecto de gotican en latex BDSM, ya que los invocadores tienen esas enseñanzas de mujeres con aspecto de santa otra razon que otros dioses y Rudriel no la dejan tener ese aspecto tan sexualizado.
otra característica que Angry Maiden tiene es que puede disfrazarse de mala y buena para tratar de que el hombre ya sea bueno o malo. la ayuden sin saber las cosas. por ejemplo si el hombre sigue a la virgen los creyentes no sabran a quien estan ayudando y si son los seguidores de sucubus no sabrán que estuvieron adorando al mismo ser, y para la actualidad con mujeres de ficción es como si siguieran a Batgirl o Harley Quinn estan adorando al mismo ser. por eso Angry Maiden necesita de todo eso para ser adorada incluso con la estatua de la virgen. y sino funciona se disfraza de la madre de los hombres, o de una slut o de primas y hermanas. otro nombre que tiene es Ashliel que significa el deseo de dios Ashli= deseo y El= el hombre que es dios
Angry Maiden solo salvara a ciertas mujeres mas que toda slut ninfomanas BDSM. ya que las puede domesticar y no se quejan de nada. las demas volveran a reencarnar. mas adelante en el futuro cuando los nuevos creyente vean lo que dijo y escribio Angry Maiden reescribiran su palabra ya que no toleran ese comportamiento. y dira que solo las mas santas y virgenes seran salvadas y asi cuando llegue otro dia de juicio muy pocas se salvaran.
Thousands of years pass and Angry Maiden's plans are frustrated many times by people who change the world for an "ideal world" since these people, whether men or women, are tired of "sinful" people or "rotten" people and want to a reboot. Angry Maiden, being a woman, cannot disobey her summoner and they also invoke her so that she destroys her own plans. For example, she was invoked to destroy Pompeii even though she did not want to, since a young man was almost going to free her from her rib. the summoner dies as a sacrifice was needed.
Angry Maiden can be invoked with other names such as Ishtar, Aphrodite, Kali, Freya or other names for lustful desire in antiquity and in a more modern era lust was changed for love, war, wisdom or marriage by Christians, Catholics , the Jews and Islam saw lust as a sin, Angry Maiden to deal with them disguises himself as the Virgin to be worshiped or as Eve. many believing women call themselves daughters of Eve and for satanic women daughters of Lilith which is the same.
when someone whether male or female tries to reset the world for an "ideal world" they try to invoke her as a punishing god. and when they invoke her, it is as they imagine her and in all the restarts they imagine her looking like a saint or a virgin and not in her gothic aspect in latex BDSM, since the summoners have those teachings of women with the appearance of another saint reason that other gods and Rudriel do not let her have that sexualized aspect.
Another characteristic that Angry Maiden has is that she can disguise herself as bad and good to try to make the man either good or bad. help her without knowing things. For example, if the man follows the virgin, the believers will not know who they are helping and if they are the followers of the succubus, they will not know that they were worshiping the same being, and for today with fictional women it is as if they were following Batgirl or Harley Quinn. they are worshiping the same being. that's why Angry Maiden needs all that to be adored even with the statue of the virgin. and if she doesn't work, she disguises herself as the mother of men, or as a slut, or as cousins and sisters. Another name that she has is Ashliel which means the wish of god Ashli = desire and El = the man who is god
Angry Maiden will only save certain women more than all BDSM nymphomaniac sluts. since she can tame them and they don't complain about anything. The others will be reincarnated again. Later in the future when new believers see what Angry Maiden said and wrote they will rewrite her word since they do not tolerate that behavior. and he will say that only the most holy and virgins will be saved and so when another day of judgment comes, very few will be saved.
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