Final warning is going out for the Deviant Nightmares Anthology.
I have spoken to the authors submitting offline and this is the warning for those who have submitted here on DA or may have thought about it or have been procrastinating.
If you want a chance to get your work into the Deviant Nightmare Anthology, whether it's a story or artwork, submit it now, or before March 30th. That's the end of next month. Not very far away.
The DNA submissions this time around should be zombie Apocalypse related. As such, the illustrations, as long as they include zombies, ruins, or survivors, should work. There will be a limited amount of time to come up with story specific illustrations once a final list is decided upon.
Check the old update center
HEREAside from the new deadline being March 30th, everything in there should be right.
I'm changing the dna2013 folders for art and fiction to dna2014 since it's now 2014 and the book will be published later this year.