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Yah, I have issues... And?
173 Watchers

Harness the Elements: Photoshop tutorial series by MonikaZagrobelna

I found this yesterday and thought it was pretty awesome.

It could be used by digital painters or for photomanips. There are plenty or reasons why you might need to make realistic looking fire, water, ice, stone, smoke and other stuff shown here in photoshop.

Drop by and check out the artist :iconmonikazagrobelna:'s gallery and give some much deserved favs and attention.

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Final warning is going out for the Deviant Nightmares Anthology.
I have spoken to the authors submitting offline and this is the warning for those who have submitted here on DA or may have thought about it or have been procrastinating.
If you want a chance to get your work into the Deviant Nightmare Anthology, whether it's a story or artwork, submit it now, or before March 30th. That's the end of next month. Not very far away.
The DNA submissions this time around should be zombie Apocalypse related. As such, the illustrations, as long as they include zombies, ruins, or survivors, should work. There will be a limited amount of time to come up with story specific illustrations once a final list is decided upon.

Check the old update center HERE
Aside from the new deadline being March 30th, everything in there should be right.
I'm changing the dna2013 folders for art and fiction to dna2014 since it's now 2014 and the book will be published later this year.

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Click the book cover or where it says preview below for a free chapter. Click HERE to go to this blog entry on my site and scroll down for the book trailer.

Then CLICK HERE and use code XR33P for 50% off a copy for the e-reader of your choice, or read it on your computer.  

Click for a free preview chapter.

Last Days Book One: Requiem for Humanity

Book One follows groups of survivors trying to make it in the new world against increasingly overwhelming odds.

But things are changing.

The zombies are evolving, becoming smarter, and regaining their former sentience. 

Humans, just barely managing to scrape by as it is - struggling to hold on to hope where there may no longer be any - will soon have to face a more horrifying and disheartening realization.

This world belongs to the dead now.

And there may soon be no place for the last remnants of the human race in the sprawling graveyard that the earth has become.

If it's after February 28th and you missed the above deal, you can still get an E-copy for under four bucks at the following links KindleKoboNookItunesDieselSonyPaperback and Hardcover 

Read the preview here

All content, unless otherwise specified is Copyright © 2014 Joseph Sweet

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4 min read

Well, these things don't seem to go over well on here, so I'm not going to put a lot of effort into them. Just like the publication, if there's no interest, there's just no interest.

Not a big deal to me. I have my own stories and novels to publish and that keeps me pretty busy.
The question, really, is whether or not any of you want this to actually be an active group, or just a dumping ground for your artwork.

Either way is fine for me. This group is for you and will be what you want it to be. If you neglect it, I will neglect it. If you put something into it, I will also.

There are plenty of groups though that are just dumping grounds for artwork. Do we need another one?

I get distracted and bored easily. The one thing that keeps my focus is my writing and art. I will do that every day if I can, and this place is a distraction for me. So it boils down to what you want. If you engage me, respond to posts, do prompts, etc, I will continue to stay involved and make new prompts and other stuff. I'll also start regularly featuring the best stuff submitted here, which means more exposure for all of you if you submit your best work. If you do not, well, this last few months is an example of what this group will be. People submit art and nothing else really happens. I leave it to you. If you don't like something or think there could be improvements, make suggestions.

As for a prompt? How about...

"On a day like this, you could almost forget..."

It's from something I wrote, but it could lead into a lot of things. Hope it inspires you.

Don't have to start with that, but should be in there somewhere in order to be eligible.

Prizes? I'm broke, so unless someone donates some, we're looking at simply a feature of the winner and second and third place.

Have fun, I hope you do something with it. It's always fun to see what you come up with.

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Eater of Souls by Joseph Sweet


Cool recent stuff from members
You can always suggest stuff via message to me :iconjoseph-sweet: that you think deserves a feature. Except for your own stuff, of course.

PSYCHOZOMBIE by :iconeemeling:

Unfortunately, it looks as though this person's account has been deactivated, :( but you can still see this cool item by clicking the thumbnail.
Vampire hunting kit by :iconjareth-barnowl:
Vampire hunting kit by Jareth-Barnowl

DECAY by :iconmweiss-art:
DECAY by MWeiss-Art

Eidolon by :icondark-necrodevourer:

Mature Content


And I had to include this one, because... If real life serial killer's aren't scary, what is? Of course, this one got the chair in 92, if I recall correctly, so you don't have to worry about him anymore.
Ted Bundy by :icongalleyarts:
Ted Bundy by GalleyArts

:+fav: them, send him/her a :llama:, send 'em some :points: show 'em some love.
If you didn't get featured, it doesn't mean anything about the quality of your work.
Keep submitting your best.

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Cool Digital Painting tutorial by joseph-sweet, journal

Free sample chapter and 50% off zombies till 2/28 by joseph-sweet, journal

July 2014 Feature by joseph-sweet, journal

Welcome Our New Admin!!! by joseph-sweet, journal

Please Welcome Our New Admin by joseph-sweet, journal