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Yah, I have issues... And?
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (246)
Pac-Man Cake: Looking to eat tiny ice cream scoops (5)
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
Birthday '16: Celebrated DeviantArt's Sweet Sixteen
My Bio

I am an Artist, Author, Musician, Poet, from Upstate NY.
I've worked in television and radio, doing voice overs, making and editing commercials. I've even physically been in a few. I've been in a few bands. I have two short story collections and 5 novels published with more on the way. I write my own music, and do some amateur photography. I went to school for graphic arts and as you'll see, I do all sorts of different kinds of artwork, although I've been doing a lot more digital stuff lately.

NOTE: Everything on this page is considered copyrighted and not available for use unless specifically stated in the description. If you aren't sure, assume it's copyrighted. If you're looking for stock, check my stock page at
joseph-sweet-stock.deviantart.... and thank you for looking. I appreciate all favs, and watches, and wanted to thank you for them in advance.

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
too many
Favourite TV Shows
Dexter, Chuck,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
too much to pick one.
Favourite Books
Too many
Favourite Writers
Poe, King, Koontz, Rice, London, Saul, umm.. too many
Favourite Games
Not playing anything currently except a couple of first person shooters I made.
Favourite Gaming Platform
have a wii, computer, and a ps2. never play them.
Tools of the Trade
not enough room.
Other Interests
Writing, fiction/poetry/lyrics, music, guitar/keyboard, Art, digital/paper, gaming, ran out of space
I found this yesterday and thought it was pretty awesome.It could be used by digital painters or for photomanips. There are plenty or reasons why you might need to make realistic looking fire, water, ice, stone, smoke and other stuff shown here in photoshop.Drop by and check out the artist :IconLadyAway:'s gallery and give some much deserved favs and attention.
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Final warning is going out for the Deviant Nightmares Anthology. I have spoken to the authors submitting offline and this is the warning for those who have submitted here on DA or may have thought about it or have been procrastinating. If you want a chance to get your work into the Deviant Nightmare Anthology, whether it's a story or artwork, submit it now, or before March 30th. That's the end of next month. Not very far away. Reminders:The DNA submissions this time around should be zombie Apocalypse related. As such, the illustrations, as long as they include zombies, ruins, or survivors, should work. There will be a limited amount of tim...
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Click the book cover or where it says preview below for a free chapter. Click HERE to go to this blog entry on my site and scroll down for the book trailer. Then  CLICK HERE  and use code XR33P for 50% off a copy for the e-reader of your choice, or read it on your computer.   Last Days Book One: Requiem for Humanity Book One follows groups of survivors trying to make it in the new world against increasingly overwhelming odds. But things are changing. The zombies are evolving, becoming smarter, and regaining their former sentience.  Humans, just barely managing to scrape by as it is - struggling to hold on to hope where there may no longe...
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Profile Comments 405

anonymous's avatar
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Loki-Icon's avatar
Thanks 4 the Llama Most Kind Have one back :hug:
totuio's avatar
Community; what deviantART is all about! Community; what deviantART is all about! Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Community; what deviantART is all about! Community; what deviantART is all about! 
spartiAtes's avatar
Happy Birthday!!

totuio's avatar
SongbirdRebel's avatar
Thank you so much for the return llama :iconyea-plz: