The Strange Unknown and A Known Danger by JoriOwl, literature
The Strange Unknown and A Known Danger
It was a strange feeling, having his own mare now. After so many years of talking and thinking about starting his own herd, it felt odd to think he’s actually got a mare he can call his own, and who he alone has to protect.
Though this feeling doesn’t pause him from getting to know Veil over the few days they’ve been together. They talk about their favourite seasons, grazing spots, a little about their family herd etc.
“I love my family, but the older I got the pull to leave kept getting stronger. I can’t explain it.” Veil spoke fondly as Matteo nod, thinking of his own family.
“One day my father was distracted by another herd, their stallion wasn’t trying to take any of us, he had his own little band but they kept their eyes one each other.” It was then Veil saw her chance to leave. The younger band stallion put her herd on edge and she took a gamble to try to leave; and it worked.
“Must’ve felt odd once you realised you managed to sneak off.” Matteo stated more than
The Autumn breeze flew by caressing the bachelor’s face’s and mane’s, not yet cutting with the cold bite of winter. This was the liver dun tobiano, Koha’s, favourite time of year. Past the scorching summer heat yet not in the cold embrace of winter.
He looked between his bangs towards another bachelor similar in appearance to himself, lifting his head, speaking as he finishes is bit of grass.
“Yee ah’reet love?” Koha says with his scent coming out thicker than normal.
The liver chestnut tobiano stallion gives him a small loving smile. “Never better, ‘love’. Sisika teases and chuckles before looking out to the other bachelors in their herd with a thoughtful expression.
Koha knows what he’s thinking. “I know yee love t’worry, love. But it is what it is, yee can’t stop ‘em from leaving t’start a herd of their own.” He reminds Sisika of this, as he always does after some bachelors go off to start a herd of their own as many have before them.
Sisika sighs, “I know.” He continues as he
CV | Matteo | Second time's the charm by JoriOwl, literature
CV | Matteo | Second time's the charm
Passion moved on after a few days, wanted to ‘see what other options were out there’. Matteo didn’t mind, though Veil was a little sad her friend decided not to stay a bit longer, or permanently.
They told her where their little herd was going to be heading, just in case she changed her mind; Passion gave her thanks then was on her way.
The days stayed peaceful thankfully. Though having so much good luck always has rough fall outs later in the future, fates way of balancing everything out.
Matteo makes the decision to start moving the herd further from the peaceful meadow, not too far, but further than they’ve been so far. He didn’t want to hide away forever, missing whatever great and horrible things life has waiting for them; besides, Sazza and Veil seemed to be getting tired of the same old scenery. Though his mares seem more occupied by the different flavours of grass than the scenery right now.
“I find it fascinating how the grass’s flavour changes depending on location or
CV | Matteo | Winters Gifts by JoriOwl, literature
CV | Matteo | Winters Gifts
The dawn of winter morning is always a sight to see. The thin pink dyed clouds stretched across the gradient sky, as Matteo watches the sun wake to greet the world again. "Each season seems to have its own morning and night sky", he ponders internally.
Sazza and Veil look at each other as they watch Matteo fondly, conducting his, as they've dubbed it, his Morning Watch. "You're always so thoughtful in the morning." Sazza chimes, and continues with a light tease. "What a wise soul." Both mares giggle as they lay on ground together, Sazza's head resting on Veil's back. They've only been together for a few weeks, Sazza a more recent addition, turning the duo into a trio; and his two ladies are already thick as thieves. He glances at them, a brow raised and smirking, "It doesn't sound like it displeases you~" He gleams at Sazza with a playful, somewhat haughty tone.
"Not at all. Quite attractive, actually." Sazza teases back, Veil more than please to watch the exchange. Matteo eyes
CV |Matteo| Morning Meeting by JoriOwl, literature
CV |Matteo| Morning Meeting
The cold morning air of winter stung Matteo’s nose, he snorts a couple times to try and ease the sting. Its been days since the bay overo mare decided to look elsewhere for her and her foal to stay, the sting of another rejection hurting where he unfortunately couldn’t sooth with a snort or scratch of his hooves.
Matteo has concluded he’s wondered into an area where mare’s and stallions alike seem to come in abundance. He’s glad, while he’s not interested in joining up with other bachelors and mare’s he’s come across since the Bay Overo, haven’t piqued his interest, but at least he knows he won’t have trouble finding company.
He shakes off the cold from his withers, turning to nibble at an itch on his side, he hears snow crunching and as he turns towards the sound, a mare emerges from the trees. A gorgeous mare at that. Even in the early morning like he could make out her dark grey coat blanketed by white markings on her back and reaching down her front legs, her right front sock
CV |Matteo| A Second Chance? by JoriOwl, literature
CV |Matteo| A Second Chance?
The day continued with Matteo finding himself alone once again. The dark mare had decided she had no interest in him and led her foal out of the clearing, giving a pin of her ears when she looked back, making it clear she didn’t want to be followed. Matteo gives a deep snort of a sigh. It was worth a shot, he thought, but now he’s alone again and already missing the company of another horse.
He huffs and heads towards the stream he crossed earlier. Feeling sorry for himself is bad enough without feeling thirsty to top it off. As he made his way to the stream, he stayed vigilant of his surroundings for any potential dangers. He’d heard wolves in the early morning before the sun was up, and his sour mood has made him more cautious than usual.
As he made it to the stream, he gave a glance around before deeming it safe to drink. The water sent a chill through his body, but he didn’t have time to think about it when he heard the rustling of something approaching from behind him. He