Adventures of Captain Marveljonpinto on DeviantArt

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jonpinto's avatar

Adventures of Captain Marvel



Captain Marvel!! Yes, I said Captain Marvel because that is his name, and I don't care what you may say. I naturally re-watched the serial while working on this as it's readily available to stream. If you have never watched this, I highly recommend it. It had been some time since I had so I had forgotten who The Scorpion really was which made it really fun! I didn't really even try to capture the likeness of Frank Coghlan Jr as Billy for this. Nor did I draw the famous C.C. Beck version either. I didn't think about this before but now that I am typing this, it sounds like I was being really lazy!! Interesting fact about Mr. Coghlan, he was a successful child actor and played much younger than he was due his youthful appearance. Shortly after filming Captain Marvel he enlisted in the Navy, became a decorated aviator and spent the next 23 years in the service. He also had an unexpected cameo in an episode of the 1970's Shazam tv series.

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Medallion2012's avatar

I found the serial on Tubi last year and decided to watch it. It is a rip-roaring, action-packed, suspenseful piece of entertainment and well worth the viewing. You captured the energy and excitement of it in this image. Great Job!