Favourite Visual Artist
Stan Winston
Favourite Movies
Constantine, any Spielberg movie, the first x-men, Scott Pilgrim, Spirited Away, Akira, Shaun of The Dead
Favourite TV Shows
Face Off, Mindy Project(watch it), Community, Happy Endings, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sherlock
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tom Waits, Tom Waits……And…Tom Waits
Favourite Books
Book? Akira….graphic novels count..right?
Favourite Writers
J.K Rowling…Ha! I'm kidding, it's Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov…or Vince Gilligan
Favourite Games
The Last Of Us, Call Of Duty, Skyrim, final fantasy…the old ones….SquareSoft games, that covers it.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 3, maybe 4 soon? (fingers crossed)
Tools of the Trade
I own wrenches….cause i'm a gas technician. TOOLS!