Fantasy Hero - Urban ElementalJonathanWyke on DeviantArt

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Fantasy Hero - Urban Elemental



This is one of my interior pieces for the Hero Games' book Fantasy Hero.

One of my goals for these was to hide the image protagonists face, so the reader could easilly transpose their own character into that situation.

The brief for this one was: Confronting the Urban Elemental: a modern-day wizard, wearing glasses and dressed in a business suit, confronting an “urban elemental” made of asphalt, trash, bits of brick and buildings, and the like.

They were a lot of fun to do, and it was very nice to be able to do colour work for Hero for a change!

Fantasy Hero, published by Hero Games, can be found here: [link]

© Hero Games 2010
Image size
2051x1575px 1.33 MB
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The characteristics of the wizard remind me of thors alter ego Donald Blake