Juvia in a PokeballJonathanjo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jonathanjo/art/Juvia-in-a-Pokeball-398508362Jonathanjo

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Juvia in a Pokeball



Juvia - Fairy Tail © Hiro Mashima

    The water mage from Fairy Tail, Juvia, is here ! I'm a fan of Fairy Tail and when one winner of the dA Contest asked me to made it, I was joyful =D As you could see, the pokeball is flooded but the water cause Juvia is a water mage. Hope you like =)

                    Thanks to

    Moukou9 for this beautiful stock i.imgur.com/AhGkc.jpg
    :iconjonas-daehnert:~Jonas-Daehnert for the pokeball black part fav.me/d4lt9jx
    :iconciinthyzzz:~ciinthyzzz for his beautiful renders fav.me/d584x8m

                    My latest works

      :gallery:Visit my gallery & watch me for more pokeballs !:gallery:

      :pokeball: You want choose the next pokeballs ? Participate to my polls and vote for decide which will be the nexts:pokeball:

      Now, you can see the next pokeballs which will be made nextly and their progresses by bint of the new widget on my profile page.
      Image size
      753x956px 617.58 KB
      © 2013 - 2025 Jonathanjo
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      AWESOME! art and photography at its best i'd say.