Current Residence: Irvine, CA
Favourite genre of music: Hip-Hop
Personal Quote: Art is Life
Hi. So I've been looking for some Skyrim art to make into a poster to frame and put up on my wall as part of a gallery of my favorite game franchises. I came across your Ladies of Skyrim painting and I absolutely love it. It's top notch work and simply gorgeous. My favorite elder scrolls poster made sexy lol. I would be truly honored to have your painting on my wall.
So I am wondering if you do prints, or if you would be willing to sell me a copy of the highest resolution file you have of it. I want to make a few small alterations myself if possible. Mostly just zooming in a bit further so the character takes up more of the frame, adding in an Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim title instead of the ladies of Skyrim title, and getting it into a 2:3 aspect ratio so I can make a 12" x 18" print of it.
I was getting really frustrated trying to find something just right until I came across this painting of yours and now that I've seen it, no other image will do.
Anyways, I really really hope to hear back from you.
My compliments on your artistic skill.