S.Y.K - RegretJoLuffiroSauce on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/joluffirosauce/art/S-Y-K-Regret-177857826JoLuffiroSauce

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JoLuffiroSauce's avatar

S.Y.K - Regret



Have you ever had those moments. Where you want to do something really bad. But you chicken out... and not do it. Then ended up regretting it later?

This picture is kinda like to me. To follow.. or not to follow? Then when it's gone.. all you can do is wonder...

I had many of those moments in life. so i tried not to be indecisive of things anymore. Little by little. I want to be able to "want to do something" --> " do it"

Series: S.Y.K Shinsetsu Saiyuuki
Character: Gyokuryuu
Photographer: :iconhedemi:
editor: me~
Event: Anime Expo 2010

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Image size
489x800px 180.07 KB
© 2010 - 2025 JoLuffiroSauce
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BlackjackScritcher's avatar
ah the way you edit is fantastic =u=

when it comes to being indecisive, I spend so much time considerering i forget what i was going to do in the firt place >.>