I'm just a simple Aspie Autistic boy with a great imagination. Love for furries <3
Just here to entertain and trying to make new friends.
<- Use this in your profile to represent if you are or support autistic people!
made by me ^^
\/ If you want chat with me \/
Discord jollynee
For those who want to support me, feel free to give me some points, i'm planning doing something with them in future, maybe commissioning someone who accept points? Hehe sure.
Hello there my name is Keith Flaugher Jr and what's up?
I already know you. nothing much
Anyways my birthday is on February 9th and I may become 32 years old.
nice, good for you
Thank you so much 🙏 and I apologize for flooding your page
Thank you
Hey dude ok enough with your comments here, you're flooding