Seasons ChangeJoJoesArt on DeviantArt

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Seasons Change

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"Do not fear my little one,
summer's over, fall is gone,
winter's coming like a thief,
yet there is no need to grieve.

Seasons change, time flies by,
birds sing summers' lullaby,
winters' cold and ruthless sting
clears the way for newborn spring."


Recently I have been thinking alot about the topic of "seasons". We all face lots of challenges and hardships in life. Maybe someone we loved passed away. Maybe we are trying our best to get a job, but we don't get one. Maybe we are scared by all the horrible events taking place in our world nowadays. Whatever it may be, I believe that, just as in nature, we go through "seasons" in life. Just as winter will clear the way for another spring at some point, our hardships will end and a new spring, new hope, will bloom; as long as we keep striving and don't give up.

My little brother just recently left for a 2 years mission (just as I did a few years ago :D) to Japan (for our church :)). I am very close to him, he is like my best friend. While it was painful for me when he left, I know that he will come back and that moment will be ever more joyful and happy and that friendship will be even stronger. Times of loneliness, times of grief and times of pain may not be very comfortable, but if we try to see the bigger picture, they can help us progress. They are necessary for us to even treasure the happy moments and blessings in our lives. 

I would love to hear about your interpretation of this artwork and the topic I have been writing about. :la:

Software used: Adobe Photoshop CC, Wacom Intuos Pro tablet
Time spent: About 20 hours (the detail killed me xD)

Prints are available here:…;

Thank you for your ever ongoing support. Love you! :hug:
Image size
1200x1642px 1.59 MB
© 2016 - 2025 JoJoesArt
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