Dont do DRUGS - do ARTJoJoesArt on DeviantArt

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JoJoesArt's avatar

Dont do DRUGS - do ART



"Because Art is much better for your health.."


Hehe, my first stamp ever.. its really simple and all, but I think the message of the stamp is, what is really important here! You can fav this to show your support, it would be really cool! :hug:

Way too many of my friends should really accept the advice this stamp is giving.. :/

If you want to use this stamp, just copy paste the :thumbxxxx: (the xxxx stands for the number) you will find on the right side of this deviation ---->

Thank you for your support! :heart:


Some of my art:

:iconsanguisgelidus: You can watch me for more! :la:
Image size
99x56px 7.3 KB
© 2013 - 2025 JoJoesArt
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AbolishTheDea's avatar

The slogan "Don't do drugs" is Christian Science.  It's a religion that says it's wrong to improve your mind with godsend plant medicine.  Psychoactive plant medicines have inspired entire religions and gave Plato his view of the afterlife.  Such medicine is persecuted and demonized today by fans of the two most dangerous drugs of all time: tobacco and liquor.