johnpaulthornton's avatar


129 Deviations

Species Specifics

Adopt Me title


Fella Hello 2


This adorable mascot embodies a kindred spirit, invokes inspiration, draws everyone in with magnetism, and like the community at large, can be audacious at times. This species doesn’t need to sleep but will jump on a bed if no one’s looking!

Fella Colors 2


Each adoptable in the Fella Species comes in the base palette seen here, with varying use of the pink to accent the lighting or draw the eye with a pop of color!

Fella ballon


Some Fellas don a festive party hat, others like to show off their love of favouriting art with a lofty star balloon. The most important thing in a Fella’s bag of tricks is the ability to inspire all with warmth and a sense of welcome.

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birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
birthdAy '10
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Brush Lover: Early DeviantArt muro brush adopter
Brush Lover
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (1)
Bleeding Love
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)

Deviousness Award

`johnpaulthornton is a traditional artist who despite being part of our community for a relatively short period of time, has made a massive impact on people's lives. His gallery is an emotional journey, filled with portraits of missing children . Many of these hauntingly beautiful paintings have been exhibited across the United States in an effort to raise awareness and hopefully reunite families. You may have read about John Paul's work in the incredible story of a missing girl who was returned 18 yrs later to her parents which received international media attention. `johnpaulthornton always takes time to participate positively, providing excellent critique and inspirational journals, all of which go hand in hand at securing the Deviousness Award for October 2009. Congratulations John Paul!

Awarded Oct 2009
Painting with Knives creates sensations of flesh and soul.
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A little girl I knew was abducted. I was very affected emotionally, and when I looked around my home town in the following days, I finally noticed all of the little fliers asking for help finding missing children. ( In America there are 1,500 missing child cases open every day. The fliers are often printed on the backs of coupons and are distributed as junk-mail.)I just began saving the fliers, and after a year had a drawer full of them: Disposable mailers with tiny monochrome photos of missing children. It didn't seem right that these faces were so small and bland.One night, out of nowhere, I was inspired to paint a full color portrait fr...
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Question 1:  "What was the Artist trying to say?" Question 2:  "Was the Artist successful in saying it?" Question 3: "Was it worth it?" The Third Question is the one which burns.
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Profile Comments 3.4K

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gem-gem-gem-gem-gem's avatar

are you still here friend?

vasilijskindinovs's avatar

Thanks for watching me!

YOKOKY's avatar
v-242's avatar
God bless you sir for the work that you've done with regard to bringing attention to the plight of missing children in the United States.

Indeed, you are an inspiration to others.

Best wishes,


johnpaulthornton's avatar
Much gratitude for your kind words.
-John Paul
v-242's avatar
You're welcome.
