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Fruits Parfait Samurai
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

Current Residence: Melbourne, Australia
Operating System: Windows XP, 1.47GB RAM

Favourite Games
Genso Suikoden Series
Tools of the Trade
oC 4.06E+, PS CS2; Copic
Other Interests
Axis Powers Hetalia, Gintama, Genso Suikoden Series, Inazuma Eleven
Crossposting an illustrated fic I posted on LJ. I'm not sure how to format a post like what I had back there, it's probably impossible |D";; Will these letters reach your heart Pairing/Characters: Tsunami/Otomura/Tsunami, order doesn't really matter; Oumihara cameos Rating: E for Everyone Summary: Tsunami receives a letter from Otomura, and he wasn't sure how he should reply back. Notes: Split into four parts, YEP IT'S THAT LONG. Also it's... not the usual gag I do but actually involves exorbitant amounts of sugar.PART 1: PART 2: PART 3:...
anonymous's avatar
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LMFAO DA YOU SUCK my connection is currently on its dying breaths and you introduce a new layout that accelerates its demiseIHURaging aside, hello, how is everyone!! Each time I come here I find new favs and watchers - I even got a few Llama badges, whatever they are! It truly warms my heart, and I don't know where I will be without all your kind support. Thank you, thank you very much - they are all most dear to me.The fandoms I currently indulge in are divided between Hetalia and Suikoden, as we would know. I feel a little sorry for my Hetalia watchers; there is a significant chance that someone who plays the absolutely awesome game know...
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... which is no longer anything new, but I will not be posting much for a good long while - at least until mid-October - as I am planning to start a rather big project which will eat up much of my time.I deeply apologise to everyone for this! All of you have been terribly sweet, I'm so flattered and grateful for your constant support - it really, really means a lot. To Hetalia fans, I'm afraid I won't be posting much Hetalia from now on, and I apologise; but there are many more Hetalia artists out there (or other fandoms, really) who are far better than I am, so this should not be a loss of any kind.Once again, I'm deeply grateful for all ...
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ItalianDaisy's avatar
Sorry, you've been tagged! ;p [link]
physicks's avatar
ELLIEE I do not know if you are still active on DA but I am adding you nevertheless.

See if you can guess who I am tee-hee
lady-hina's avatar
Oh, look who's here~ 8D
Amane-san's avatar
*stalk stalk~*
Utau's avatar
I love your Hetalia fanart~! So sleek and clean! <3
Hikapi's avatar
I was happy to pay a visit to your LJ again to find a link to your dA. I have been curiuous to know if you had one or not!
joey-fraser's avatar
gjkdfgjldskfg t-this is terribly rude of me, b-but I have no idea what your LJ username is. orz I'm - I'm terribly flattered that you'd go out of your way to find this dusty, half-dead account, and I only hope that I will not disappoint your stay here. Thank you so much for your kind words! They mean a lot!