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Photomanipulations/Glitch art
41 Watchers

" Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art. " - Andy Warhol

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Happy Holidays Everybody!

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" And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music".  Freidrich Neitzsche

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My art

3 min read
All of the art that I post is 100% original artwork. Generally I take a photo on my cell phone , a Samsung Galaxy S4...then use one of several Android photography applications, such as Decim8,  or Glitch!. Usually I layer it as well, over other original photos by me. Or I may add a screenshot of a color , to add depth. Sometimes I videotape, and remove  a sceeenshot, but rarely. I use myself as my main model er.. .only model because I am cheap and always avaliable. Sometimes I layer different selfie pictures to give the appearance of several people. I use in editing the hue and contrast and saturation options heavily. I layer a lot. I try out all kinds of weird tricks in an attempt to be cutting edge and unique. I'd like my art to look like no other art you'd see... The last thing I want to do is create "normal" regular art.   Art is born in the soul and the mind. You can't teach someone imagination. You can try I'd imagine (lol). My imagination gets crazy with naming my completed work. So i have great fun with the titles, naming each picture whatever pops into my mind once it's completely finished. It may have started out a photo of a tree and ended up looking like a car by the time I am finished manipulating it. I use the title to steer your imagination towards seeing what I see as well.  It may in fact still look like a tree...but once I call it a car that will guide you into thinking as I do , that maybe it is in fact a car. Now as for my adult section, I've always enjoyed adult art. Not porn, to be honest I'm not a big fan of porn. (Although animated porn  is fantastic.) Add to that the fact that I like being naked. And I love art. I love photography. I love using mirrors in photography. I am proud of my body and how I look .In the end , it's not porn  I'm making. Porn is intended to sexually arouse you . My work is intended to make you think, not get aroused. Im stimulating your mind i would hope. Maybe it does arouse...but my pictures are not sleezy photographs. It's art. It art because...well I say it's art. And if your looking at it you must be interested. If your not interested then by all means don't look at that folder. The choice is yours. If it's on this website it can't be considered too risqué. .....and If the image isn't blocked that means one of two things...your computer or phone or Internet settings are allowing adult content (gasp!!)...or my work isn't considered adult after all. It's 2015 people. Not 1956. And on that note, I hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoy making it. 

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My art by joegiu, journal

Modern Times. by joegiu, journal

Favorites by joegiu, journal

Titles / Naming Pictures by joegiu, journal