Lady BylethJocelynSamara on DeviantArt

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Lady Byleth



So, as you probably already know, I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from the comic right now to get some other things done.  But mostly at the moment, I'm trying to just take it easy.  The latest chapter was very long, very involved, and life kept happening to me throughout, so I'm still kinda wiped from it all.  

I've been spending a lot of my downtime this past week with Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which I finally started playing.  To put it bluntly, I just love everything about it so far.  The story, the music, the characters, etc., and I swear it just keeps getting better.  

And maybe this is controversial, but I even really like the female protagonist's design.  I remember a lot of folks saying they didn't feel keen on her look when she was first revealed, but truthfully, I love the design.  I'd wear that.  I'd cosplay Lady Byleth in a heartbeat.  And even though the game lacks the customization features of the last couple FE games, I probably would've gravitated pretty close to that hair color/style and whatnot anyway.  

In the past, I've done a couple drawings of my versions of Robin and Corrin (the avatar characters of previous Fire Emblem games) as well.  And from the moment they announced another game in the series was coming, I'd pretty much resolved to do that again.  Without the appearance customization option in game though, there wasn't much I could uniquely do there.  But for the drawing, I decided to make the small few changes I probably would've done, given the choice.  Her eye color is closer to mine now, and I think she'd look super cute with her hair up.  That's it.  That's pretty much all I did differently.  I guess I did have her throw her coat over her shoulder too.  Mostly just because I thought it might look cool.  ^_^

Anywho, I hope you like this random little fanart, drawn just for fun.  Share your thoughts if you like - maybe even your favorite characters (mine are Petra and Bernadetta) and/or your House of choice (I'm in the Black Eagles), if you want - but please be mindful I'm still playing the game, so no spoilers please. 
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FairySmash's avatar
woo Black Eagles! I very quickly fell for Dorothea and did supports with her all the way, and also developed fondness for Petra, Leonie and Shamir. The fact you get to talk to so many characters means that over time a lot of them just grow on you.