Banjo-Kabootiejoaoppereiraus on DeviantArt

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A new smash attack?! surprised pikachu Woah, Daffy, calm down... 

Banjo, Kazooie, Kirby, Falco Lombardi and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate © Masahiro Sakurai, Sora Ltd., Nintendo, HAL Laboratory Inc., The Pokémon Company, Creatures Inc., GAME FREAK Inc., SHIGESATO ITOI, APE Inc., INTELLIGENT SYSTEM, Konami Digital Entertainment, SEGA, CAPCOM CO. Ltd., Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. MONOLITHSOFT Inc., CAPCOM USA Inc., Atlus, XBOX Game Studios, SNK and Square Enix Co. Ltd.
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2000x2400px 2.14 MB
© 2020 - 2025 joaoppereiraus
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destroyerrider02's avatar

Now, if there was a way that Falco Lombardi would choose to die, being sat on by Kazooie would be it.