Wonder Woman Prips stylejmqrz on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jmqrz/art/Wonder-Woman-Prips-style-301352565jmqrz

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jmqrz's avatar

Wonder Woman Prips style



This my interpretation of :iconnoprips: really incredible Wonder Woman redesign. The moment I saw it I loved it. She is a frequent contributor to Project Rooftop, where she has created some really incredible redesigns of some of DC's characters.
(hey DC, wouldn't hurt for you to take a look at her ideas they actually make a ton of sense)

Here are some of her redesigns, [link]
Again just so everyone knows, this is not my design I just embellished a bit, all the credit goes to :iconnoprips: show her some serious DA love, her style is awesome and she has a design sense to match. I hope you guys like.
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1700x2338px 236.27 KB
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PriscillaTR's avatar
Wow, that's awesome! :D