This month is a good month. Its always nice when other people take notice of your work. It makes one all warm and Fuzzy inside.
Be-Cos has picked my Tangled!Costume Swap photo as one of their 13 images for the Feature folder. This is the second time they have chosen something from my folder, and I'm always surprised to see it up there against such amazing talent.
Also I got a surprise message saying I had also been featured in Project Porkchop. ProjectPorkchop is all about bringing more exposure to the many talented yet under appreciated artists going unseen ...
I take cosplay photos as a Hobby to help teach me new editing skills and make new friends. I also take photos of horses. Odd mix I know lol you can check out my other page at
I've always wanted to join devainart, but never thought I had anything great enough to submit.. Only recently I have I felt my hobby has grown and Im ready to share it with the world :) Enjoy