Have u ever drawn Indiana Jones? I think he would look awesome in ur style
I’ll look into it! Kinda short on brown markers
Thanx 4 the Fav!😎
All good! No worries at all. That's a solid explanation of how the muscles connect. I def see the "Y" in the last photo. I get messed up at that part at that crevice and drawing the armpit and shoulder pec area . Love the advice. Feel free to pick apart anything. 💪🏼✌🏼
Welcome to DA! Lovely work!
Hey, really enjoyed looking through your work. Some great detailing and colors. If I could give one critique (and this is coming from someone who still has many areas needing work myself) - study the connections of the chest-shoulders. Your Blade and Cap pieces are excellent, but this really stands out to me in those pieces.