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Formerly known as KuraiJinx
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (270)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Howdy, folks! My name is Joni, I'm a digital artist, comic author and rookie animator. Currently, I'm working in a passion project of mine, titled Wild Bonds. I've been working on it since 2016, with several failed attempts to launch it. I also frequently make fan art of Dragon Ball and Sonic The Hedgehog.

Nowadays, I'm not super active here, so if you wish to interact with me, I recommend you follow me on Twitter, where I often post WIP's and updates. If you wish to, you can also follow me on Newgrounds. I hope you like what you see and that you enjoy my work!

P.S.: If ya happen to be a dirty art thief, you can turn around and kindly f*ck off. Ya ain't welcome here.

P.S.S: I'd appreciate it if those who wish to repost my work anywhere would please ask for it first and then repost it, crediting me.

Favourite Visual Artist
Too many to name.
Favourite Movies
The Lion King, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Sonic The Hedgehog (1996 OVA), Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)
Favourite TV Shows
Sonic Boom, Dragon Ball(including Z, GT and Super), Super Mario Bros. Z(Not a TV show, but I dunno where else to put it)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Crush 40, Bon Jovi, Hironobu Kageyama, etc.
Favourite Books
Dragon Ball, Kingdom Hearts (manga), Sonic The Hedgehog (2018; IDW)
Favourite Games
Sonic Mania Plus, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Sonic Colors, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Kingdom Hearts 2, Super Mario World
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, PlayStation 2, Nintendo Switch
Guess what's been worked on for close to 5 years, has been retooled, restarted and rebooted about 6 times and is getting the reset button treatment for the 7th time? Yup. I'm doing it again. I'm restarting and delaying Kickass Jerks. Let's talk about it. It's nothing really serious, I just evolved my own techniques and changed the character designs a fair bit(Just look at Keito and Olivia), to the point that the pages I did finish feel rather outdated, and I don't wanna force myself to go back to old tricks when I feel so comfortable with stuff I learned since then. That and I'm not entirely pleased with the work I did. Things look a bit amateurish and the page layouts aren't too pleasing to me. It feels kinda cramped and crowded, like things are squished. And trust me, I did consider keeping it going and just explaining the design changes via in-universe reasons, but in the end, I didn't feel that was the wisest option. It'd be like a sudden jump in quality and bit of a jarring
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I'm back!

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Boy, it's been a while, hasn't it, folks? I've up and disappeared for about... What, 8 months? And I now dump a huge chunk of art and update everything outta the blue! Well, let's just say I've gotten into a few private life issues and from September to November, my PC's charger kinda blew up outta nowhere and I couldn't do any digital work. And that included digitizing my traditional work to color it digitally. Then came November like a truck and, uh... Let's just say I had a few health issues."But what the heck did you do during July and August?" Summer time, out with the family, and I just straight up forgot DeviantArt existed for a whi...
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Dang, I forgot to make a post on it yesterday... Oh well! Hey folks, it's KJ, and I'm here to announce that Kickass Jerks 2018 has officially launched, complete with a website(see below)!https://sites.google.com/site/kickassjerkscomic/So, here's the deal, this will be released on a page-by-page basis, with each page being released a week or two apart from each other, depending on my work load. Reason being, I prefer to release it like this and because of the style I've chosen to go with. Instead of going for a manga-esque aesthetic, like the previous two incarnations, I've decided to go full color for this one, complete with fairly detaile...
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WOLFBLADE111's avatar
Happy Birthday. :D :cake:
JLuisJoni's avatar
WOLFBLADE111's avatar
You're welcome. :D
StevenTheFox64's avatar
JLuisJoni's avatar
StevenTheFox64's avatar
The-unknow-6470's avatar
You have really good artwork