WHY ARE WE RUNNINGJLMagian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jlmagian/art/WHY-ARE-WE-RUNNING-363601096JLMagian

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JLMagian's avatar




This really just started as practice in drawing dudes running and ended up being some pokemon characters with a slapped-on background that looks like fart. I'm just lazy lazy lazy BUT it was the first time I ever used a tutorial for anything!! If only I had the links. There are so very few, so you can easily find them I'm sure.

Fred, the boy with the hat, is obviously not impressed. And his poor Froakie, Frumples, doesn't really know what's going on either as she's carried by Linden's jynx. I don't know what they're running from....or running to. 9 times out of 10 it seems to usually be a swarm of beedrill.

Fred is an adopt that I got from ~Negai-Boshi in honor of the new pokemon game coming out! So his story will flesh out once we know more about that one. However, right now he just has a very cute froakie. Linden's main pokemon is Jynx, her name is Anastasia. If you're not familiar with linden I feel like you have a pretty good chance of guessing who he's related to.

Anyway, enjoy! finally some artwork! I rather liked it despite it's sloppiness, I don't have time nor effort to finish anything especially for myself at the moment, so crappy things it will have to be!

Original Fred Adopt (c) ~Negai-Boshi
Jynx, Froakie, Pokemon Franchise (c) Satoshi/Nintendo
Linden, Fred, + Art (c) *JLMagian
Image size
2163x1000px 1.45 MB
© 2013 - 2025 JLMagian
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Teki-Shinichi's avatar
I next to never watched pokemon... so at first glance I thought her head was the omb-bomb from Mario


ok enough clowning, its an awesome piece!