As I read all the comments that people leave on my images here in DA, I'm really amazed and humbled with what they're posting. So many describe my images as what they've imagined in their dreams, while reading a book, or even reminded them of their home that is so many thousands of miles away. I have inspired others to begin painting again, to attempt more landscapes, to study art more, and even inspired stories that were written by other DA members. While I don't know many of you, my art has touched many in some way and you've left comments to let me know this. You can't imagine how encouraging this is. To me, this is very rewarding and motivates me to continue my art and is actually helping me through a tough time.
In one month I will lose 20% of my pay until September by furlough because of the US sequestration. That ends up being about 10% for the year. I'm sure that some will be laid off as the government adjusts to it's new budget. Tough times are ahead, but I'm not worried. I still have my friends, my fiance, my skills, my determination, my art, and even DA members comments to see me through these times. This is why I'm writing.
The comments on DA have encouraged me to continue with my art. They don't cost anything except for a little time and I find them to be very valuable. As I realize just how valuable they have become to me, I feel a little ashamed that I haven't left as many comments on others art as I could have. I'm really inspired by so many here. There's so many beautiful works of art here. Please leave a comment on art here in DA. It just might help someone through a hard time in their life. I'm guilty of not leaving as many comments as I should. Encouragement is free and it's the one thing that's not taxed.... yet

Thank you to everyone who's supported the DA community in some way or another. About supporting artists. Instead of just downloading an image for your desktop, buy a print, a card, a calendar, or whatever. The artist doesn't receive much money from it, but maybe it's just that little bit extra that they need to get by. Yes, you can get the image for free simply by downloading it, but there's a real artist behind that image with a real life, and with real problems. If you can't afford to buy something from them, please leave a comment. It really has value as well. To me, it's priceless.
Thanks to everyone for your support & have a great day!