Deviation Actions
Ch.1 Start
Ch.2 Start
Wow, that’s a really tiny meeting room. Imagine a gem as tall as Jasper trying to sit on that tiny stool, lmao. (Yes I designed it and I have no regrets)
But who knows, there might be more to this room than meets the eye…
(That large sliding door at the end of the corridor in panel 2? That’s just the door to the barracks. It won’t be important until Chapter 9! ^^)
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Made in FireAlpaca
Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar
hmm... either it's a trap or these basic pre-bread Dimond slaves are secretly getting freedom either by talking or violence. Let's hope freedom comes from the talking because it looks bad on those higher powers who will not see reason!
I just wonder how welcome how Dimond son/pet Steven will be seen as. Steven is in a good place here. He makes a good "pet". Spinnel here will not mistreat him. In pet terms he'll be quite spoiled rotten and pick over humans. That not a bad life at all for our boy Steven.