Battle of Kommodo Island 26Jimbowyrick1 on DeviantArt

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Battle of Kommodo Island 26



When in doubt . . .Do a Japanese twin engine fighter veeb!

Depicted is a Veeblefitzer-Mitsubishi Kee-346B "Super Dinah"

attack fighter/bomber/recon' bird, duking-it-out with three

British-Canadian Empire (BCE) Sea Hornet carrier fighters, over

an atoll near Komodo Island (visit map deev site for details about

"The War in the Pacific" and it's history!).

A derivative of "our" universe' Ki-46 "Dinah", the Kee-346

was powered with twin German designed BMW 801D radial motors

which could achieve 1,950hp with 'war emergency power' for ten

minutes. This power propelled the craft to speeds near 440mph.

(The DeHavilland FN-1 Sea Hornet was faster at 475mph on war

emergency power, but lacked the maneuverability that the Super Dinah

possessed at high speeds.)

The Sea Hornet was armed with 4X20mm cannon, while the Super

Dinah was equipped with 2X13mm and 2X20mm forward fuselage

mounted weapons. But what made the Super Dinah special is that

it carried a 37mm cannon that could fire 4 rounds per second on full

auto-fire, briefly, or 2 rounds per second, or even single-shots. Pilots

loved this availability of rate-of-rounds control. "You could stand-off

from your target's defensive guns' range and plink away until you made

a lethal hit!" Exclaimed IJN Cdr Tomato Yammagochi during the Battle

Of Komodo Island.

The World of The War in the Pacific 1940-1950

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