I know it has been a loooooong time between my most recent upload today and my last. Since it's been so long, I figured people may be curious as to why. There are a couple reasons.
First, there was problems with chronic tendonitis. I simply could not draw for very long at all without crippling pain in my hand. I have been doing stretches, exersizes, resting from the painful activity (mostly mouse use, but also drawing to a slightly lesser extent), I got a left handed mouse, massages, hot and cold packs, I started taking fish oil capsules.... It took AGES, but I have FINALLY got it under control. It's still very much at risk, so I can't draw as much as I used to or I risk just going back to that again, but I can now get a few pictures out.
Secondly, just as my hand was beginning to heal, my computer had a total meltdown. I had a water cooling unit on my motherboard. It sprung a leak... while the computer was running. Motherboard/CPU, video card, power supply, my C drive, all toast. I had to build a new system from scratch.
but, I am back up and running now, and I will be uploading pictures again!