[1/8 OPEN] Adoptable auction | JHUJHUffizi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jhuffizi/art/1-8-OPEN-Adoptable-auction-JHU-1105427213JHUffizi

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[1/8 OPEN] Adoptable auction | JHU


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Hi everyone!

I'm coming back here after a forced break to deal with health issues. I hope you're doing well! I missed youuu❤️

And I made a bunch of new adopts for you, hope you’ll like them🐱

  1. CLOSED, AB by Hamstato

  2. CLOSED, SB by TeaAndTieflings

  3. CLOSED, SB by RoseCrystalPrincess

  4. CLOSED, $55 by duskhall

  5. CLOSED, SB by AllastorPrime

  6. CLOSED, SB by Antimonesia

  7. CLOSED, SB by Antimonesia

  8. OPEN

    PRICE for each:

SB:      $38 (bust)

MI:       $3

AB:      $150

AB contains bust + full body with fancy outfit ✨

The example of full bodies:

CLOSED adopts, AB full bodies | JHU

After buying you get:

- Unwatermarked fullsize art in JPEG and PNG


- Please bid under my comment "BID HERE"

- If no one else bids after 24hrs, the latest bidder is the winner

- Payment via DA commission page or Hipolink

- Please bid with full intention of buying

(!)Please, keep in mind that if your DA account is completely empty or have less than 2 weeks old (or both),

you should send me a message from your account at any other social network (to comfirm that you're a real person), or please don't bid at all.

This is my protection from scammers.

After buying YOU CAN:

- Give the name

- Change personality / hairstyle / outfit but please inform me if there are major changes

- Gift / trade / resell (ONLY FOR THE PRICE YOU BOUGHT FROM ME, NOT HIGHER, unless you add your own art) but please notice me first

- Please credit me for the original design

After buying YOU CAN'T:

- To refund

- To trace / steal / copy

- Commercial usage is discussible

- Using as nft is prohibited

Image size
3500x2728px 3.93 MB
© 2024 - 2025 JHUffizi
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