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The term Scythian refers to a large number of Indo-European, Iranic-speaking nomadic peoples whose territory stretched from modern-day Ukraine, all the way across Siberia and the Eurasian steppe to the Great Wall of China (not so great at that time). They were occasional allies and enemies of the also Iranic Persians. They imported Persian carpets, Chinese silks and Greek jewellery and military equipment, stablishing a precedent for the Silk Road. The domestication of the horse also began among the direct ancestors of the Scythians in the steppes, so they were skilled horsemen. And they were the origin of the Greek myths of the amazons (as Scythian women were also skilled warriors) and the centaurs, and the Abrahamic legend of Gog and Magog.
instagram: jfoliveras
I like it very much, especially the patterns and decorations are very good, but the he's face is too Nordic, I know that the Scythians are blond, but I think he should have more Iranic features,