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Jessica Montanelli
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (138)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio
- Name - / Jessica
- How old are you? - / 21!
- Where do you live? - I actually live in Siena (Tuscany/Italy)
- Where would you like to live? - Los Angeles.. Of course! La la la la
- What would you like to do for a living? - Actually I'd like to earn enough money with jewelry sales to realize my biggest dream! (see below)
- If you found $1000 dollars on the ground at a bus stop would you take it or attempt to find its owner? - If I find a wallet I just search for the owner (I don't even want to know how much is inside! But if I find a lonely anonymus bill, I keep it!
- What is your biggest dream? - Oh well.. I'm fighting to begin a new life.. and I so want to live in the US! LA to be exact.. and I want to be a comedy actress! LOL
- What is keeping you from achieving it? - Hah! Great ques! I only need a green card!! :p (Lick)arty: And money money money to rent a house a live a nice new life :D (Big Grin) ..Any ideas?
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be? - Immortality! So I would have all the time of the world to achieve my goals!
- are you a morning or night person? - I'd so love to be a morning person.. but it's stronger than me.. I'm a night one!
- Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? - SWEEEEEET for everrrr! Heart
- What is usually your first thought when you wake up? - "Today I want to live a super-duper great day!"
- What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? - I always make a wish before falling asleep.. And it's always about my big dream.. :) (Smile) (I'm not obsessed.. nope nope)
- You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? - (you know that :P (Lick)) I'd pay 1 year conservatory to study acting at the Lee Starsberg Film Institute.. But of course I would help my family too!
- Are you mostly a clean or messy person? - ..Sometimes I'm clean and organized.. sometime I'm messy and confused! :D (Big Grin)
- List 3 of your best personality traits - Uhmm.. open-minded, I love to listen and help, positive/hopeful/dreamy (I swear it's one! u.u)
- List 3 of your worst personality traits - I'm touchy sometimes (if someone talk bad about my goals), sometimes I'm a bit selfish (not so much to hurt anybody!), I'm quite materialist.. (did you notice how I "soften" my bad traits? :P (Lick)) ..I'm not a bad girl though.. You just have to know me! :D (Big Grin)

Current Residence: Tuscany, Italy (I WISH I could live in LA <3)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: S
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Favourite cartoon character: Spongebob! :D (Big Grin)
Personal Quote: My quote "I enjoy what I have while I wait to have what I want"

Favourite Movies
The Crow, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Donnie Darko, and many others..
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
AC/DC, WIthin Temptation, Muse, Blink 182, and many others...
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Polymer Clay!
Other Interests
Show Business(acting, directing), Miniatures, Phography, Graphic Design.

What's your favorite kind of chocolate?

107 votes




All of them!! Heart

I don't like chocolate

Drool ..what was the question?

anonymous's avatar
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What is your most frequent craving?

74 votes




Junk Food in general

Everything sweet

Little sweet or salty snacks (or candies)

Nothing is particular

Something else [please explain!]

anonymous's avatar
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What are most excited about as upcoming event?

55 votes

Valentine's Day Heart

Carnival :p (Lick)arty:

Friends' (or your own) Birthday Have your cake and eat it too

Nothing in particular..

Something else.. [please explain]

anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 283

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Gryffgirl's avatar
Happy birthday! MenInASuitcase 
DatCrazyCatCritic's avatar
I humbly invite you to join the group :iconadorablepolymerclay: :D
We love your miniatures!
ktims's avatar
Happy birthday😘🎂🎈
Gryffgirl's avatar
Happy birthday! :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz:

iambunnie's avatar
I really love those miniature foods u did! They all look very yummy and creative Derp FaceGame over Bonnie Emote - Five Nights At Freddys Meow-thank You You are so talented to be able to make stuff like that!Love 
ktims's avatar